From my childhood I loved the arts and expressed my creativity through painting and drawing. I completed my Bachelor of Art (BA) from Calcutta University in India. I attended Birla Academy of Fine Arts in Calcutta and I earned a diploma in the Fine Arts and Commercial Arts. I also earned the Professional Diploma in Web Centric Computing from NIIT. I moved to the United States about seven years ago.

I drew pictures based on an Indian theme such as Mother and Child, Market Place, Two Women chatting, Indian Festival, Scarcity water in desert, Goddess Durga and her family, two cranes, etc. Many of my pictures were selected for exhibition by the Texas Art Alliance center. I found this very encouraging and was happy to find that my work was appreciated in the US. After my marriage I moved to Colorado and attended the University of Colorado Boulder with hopes of pursuing an undergraduate degree in Studio Art.

My favorite medium is oil painting so that I can modify my art at any time change and correction it. I explore my artwork through the use of different colors and also mix two color mediums such as acrylic and oil. My previous work “Indian Festival” was based on Indian Festive seasons. An Indian festival is a very colorful occasion because India is a multicultural place. In this picture I tried to express this tradition through my artistic emotion. My art work “Mother and Child” is a very common topic but its artistic approach is modern. I drew the picture with the help of some geometric inspiration which I laid out using a computer. The relationship between geometric shape and Indian art started from ancient time. It is reflection of ancient practice, geometric shape symbolize of Tantra which deals with the ritual story of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist sects. I tried to establish the relationship between two different environments and multicultural aspects. I studied different techniques in art class so I used these techniques in my “Instant design” canvas. My last painting is “Woman and Tree.” On the surface it appears to be a simple picture but its inner meaning is quite deep. In Indian culture, a tree is a symbol of woman. I tried to reflect this idea in my picture by my painting. In my recent painting also reflected the same theme but different in use of color in technique. Now I study the Digital Art I which will really help me to explore my ideas in different way.